
Increase Credit Score

Increasing your credit score can be a long experience and with the exception of removing inaccuracies from your credit report, there are no quick fixes. Having a good credit score can certainly help you as it will give you reduced interest rates, easier to be approved for a rental or home, and so much more.

Although everyone wants a high credit score I usually ask my clients why they want a high score. Are you looking to purchase a home? Are your interest rates too high? Have you been declined loans or had to put more money down than you otherwise would have? It is important to keep these things in mind while you work to increase your score.

We will look at your credit report together and talk about the different factors that contribute to a credit score. Your credit report will show you what you are doing well and where you can make some improvements. If necessary we will create a budget to better organize your finances to optimize your monthly payments and increase your score as fast as possible.